Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

5 gallon neipa citra juicy ipa cascade pilsner oatmeal carahell

5 gallon neipa citra juicy ipa cascade pilsner oatmeal carahell 5 gallon neipa citra juicy ipa cascade pilsner oatmeal carahell

Brewing a New England IPA (NEIPA) can be an exciting challenge, especially when aiming for a juicy, hop-forward profile. The NEIPA style is known for its hazy appearance and intense fruitiness, often achieved with hops like Citra and Cascade. Here’s a guide to brewing a 5-gallon batch of NEIPA, using Citra and Cascade hops along with other key ingredients like pilsner malt, oatmeal, and Carahell.

Ingredients for a 5-Gallon NEIPA

  1. Malt Base
    • Pilsner Malt: 8 lbs
    • Oatmeal: 1 lb (flaked oats)
    • Carahell Malt: 0.5 lb

    Pilsner Malt provides a clean, crisp base for the beer, while oatmeal adds a smooth mouthfeel and haze. Carahell contributes to the beer’s color and adds a touch of sweetness.

  2. Hops
    • Citra Hops: 2 oz (primary hop)
    • Cascade Hops: 1 oz (aroma hop)
    • Additional Hops: Optional dry hop additions (Citra or Cascade) to taste

    Citra hops impart a strong citrus and tropical fruit character, while Cascade offers a more balanced, floral, and slightly spicy profile. Combining these hops enhances the overall complexity of your NEIPA.

  3. Yeast
    • American Ale Yeast: One packet (e.g., Wyeast 1056 or White Labs WLP001)

    An American Ale yeast will ferment well and accentuate the hop flavors typical of NEIPAs.

  4. Other Additives
    • Water Additions: To balance the bitterness and enhance the mouthfeel, consider adding gypsum or calcium chloride according to your water profile.

Brewing Process

  1. Mash
    • Temperature: Mash at 152°F (67°C) for 60 minutes.
    • Water Volume: Use 3.5-4 gallons of water for the mash.
    • Procedure: Heat the water to strike temperature, add the grains, and hold at 152°F. Stir occasionally to maintain even temperature.
  2. Boil
    • Boil Volume: After the mash, bring to a boil and add water to reach your pre-boil volume of approximately 6 gallons.
    • Hop Additions:
      • Add Citra hops at the start of the boil (60 minutes).
      • Optional: Add Cascade hops with 10 minutes remaining in the boil.
    • Boil Time: 60 minutes total.
  3. Cooling
    • Cool Down: After boiling, cool the wort quickly to around 70°F (21°C) using a wort chiller.
  4. Fermentation
    • Transfer: Move the cooled wort to a sanitized fermenter.
    • Yeast Pitching: Pitch the American Ale yeast into the fermenter.
    • Fermentation Temperature: Maintain a steady temperature of around 68-70°F (20-21°C) for optimal fermentation.
  5. Dry Hopping (Optional)
    • Timing: After primary fermentation 5 gallon neipa citra juicy ipa cascade pilsner oatmeal carahell  (about 7-10 days), add additional Citra or Cascade hops directly to the fermenter.
    • Dry Hop Amount: 1-2 oz of hops, depending on your preference for hop aroma.
  6. Conditioning
    • Secondary Fermentation: Allow the beer to condition for an additional 7 days after dry hopping.
    • Carbonation: Bottle or keg the beer, then carbonate according to your method (typically 2-3 weeks for bottle conditioning).

Tasting Notes

After conditioning, your NEIPA should exhibit a hazy appearance with a vibrant citrus and tropical fruit aroma. The flavor profile will be juicy and smooth, with notes of grapefruit, pineapple, and possibly a hint of floral and spicy character from the Cascade hops. The oatmeal and Carahell malts will contribute to a rich mouthfeel and slight sweetness.


Brewing a 5-gallon batch of NEIPA with Citra and Cascade hops, alongside pilsner malt, oatmeal, and Carahell, will result in a flavorful and juicy IPA. By following these guidelines, you can craft a delicious NEIPA that showcases the best of both hop varieties while providing a satisfying, hazy brew. Enjoy the process and the end result of your brewing efforts!

By Admin

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