To simplify the fraction 11304/19.62511304/19.625, we need to convert the decimal into a fraction first and then perform the division. Here’s the step-by-step process:
Step 1: Convert the Decimal to a Fraction
The number 19.625 can be converted into a fraction.
19.625=19+0.62519.625 = 19 + 0.625
We know that:
0.625=62510000.625 = \frac{625}{1000}
To simplify 6251000\frac{625}{1000}, we find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 625 and 1000.
GCD of 625 and 1000=125\text{GCD of 625 and 1000} = 125
625÷1251000÷125=58\frac{625 \div 125}{1000 \div 125} = \frac{5}{8}
19.625=19+58=19×8+58=152+58=157819.625 = 19 + \frac{5}{8} = \frac{19 \times 8 + 5}{8} = \frac{152 + 5}{8} = \frac{157}{8}
Step 2: Form the Original Fraction
Now that we have 19.625 as a fraction, 11304/19.625 1578\frac{157}{8}, we can form the original fraction:
1130419.625=113041578\frac{11304}{19.625} = \frac{11304}{\frac{157}{8}}
Step 3: Perform the Division
Dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal.
113041578=11304×8157\frac{11304}{\frac{157}{8}} = 11304 \times \frac{8}{157}
Now, perform the multiplication:
11304×8157=90432157\frac{11304 \times 8}{157} = \frac{90432}{157}
Step 4: Simplify the Fraction
Next, we simplify 90432157\frac{90432}{157}. To do this, we need to see if the numerator and the denominator share any common factors.
First, let’s check if 157 is a prime number. It is, as it has no divisors other than 1 and itself.
Next, we need to see if 157 divides 90432.
90432÷157=57690432 \div 157 = 576
Since 157 divides 90432 evenly, 11304/19.625 we can simplify the fraction to:
90432157=576\frac{90432}{157} = 576
The simplified result of the fraction 11304/19.62511304/19.625 is: